Patent Pending Engine Modular Design

The groundbreaking IONPRO™ Series represents a new era in engine design.

Introducing a novel approach in modular design and construction for electric propulsion thrusters: The patent-pending IONPRO™ Series by the experts at Desert Works Propulsion.

Designed around Engine Common Core™ sizes, Sub-kW, kW-Class, and High Power IONPRO™ Engines can be built to support auxiliary- and primary-propulsion  applications. Configurations include both cost-effective Conventional Ion Engines (CIE) and high-performance Annular Ion Engines (AIE). 

Applying our Patent-Pending Engine Modular Design and Construction approach we can develop cost-effective products that are highly-optimized for the customer’s specific mission requirements applying our “User-Specified Design Process” . ™

IONPRO™ Series Features

Unlike traditional thrusters, the modular design of the IONPRO™ Series offers reconfigurability and mission optimization, providing a long-term, cost-effective solution for our customers.

Accelerate the development of thruster configurations

Enhance hardware endurance + extend its applications

Reduce re-qualification requirements

Enable user-specified thruster configurations optimized for mission-specific applications

Create a pathway to rapidly develop multiple products from an initial design